Town of Oregon
"Looking Forward to the Future"
   1138 Union Rd. Oregon, WI 53575   608-835-3200    

    Our Vision for the Future...
As Town of Oregon residents, whether our roots here are deep in the past or more recent, we set forth this vision for our future:

To preserve the rural character of our town
We like living in the country. Our town is a desirable place to live and to raise children because the community is safe, the people are friendly, and the schools are good. We want to keep our farms because they provide much of the rural character that we cherish.

To plan development wisely and control growth:
We would like our population to stay small. we want to protect property rights and values. We want to plan development carefully so that we can preserve our productive farmland, precious wetlands, sheltering woodlands, wildlife habitats open spaces, and scenic views.

To cooperate with the Village of Oregon:
We want a partnership with the Village of Oregon so that it continues to serve as our center for commercial business and public services. We want to stabilize the boundaries between Town and Village so that we can preserve our town's integrity.

To provide an outdoor resource for our community:
We would like our town to be a place for quiet and reflective outdoor recreation, whether we are biking with friends down a country road or walking alone. We want top preserve the Town of Oregon as a natural sanctuary for the greater good.

We dedicate this vision to our children as the wings for their future.

Copyright © 2004 Town of Oregon, Wisconsin
Design: CTF Webservices , Oregon, WI
Last Update: February 27, 2004